The Celiac Symptom Relief Program
A 6 month program to help you find relief from persistent symptoms, despite a strict GF diet.
I bet you have
Heard from your doctor that it's cross contamination and you need to be more 'strict' with your GF diet to get better
Been told you need to avoid '(insert list of foods)' for life, in order to be symptom free
Read all the books and tried ALL the 'gut health' diets like grain free, SCD or intermittent fasting
Completed specialized testing that required you to take "X" medications/herbals to get rid of "X" infection
Been to the GI specialist who has no explanation or answer for your symptoms
You feel defeated.
Maybe, you would try a few strategies and they would work for a month or two, longer if you were lucky. But, eventually, you'd end up back at square one with your symptoms and frustrated beyond belief. So, you cut out more and more foods desperate to find an answer to your misery. And, round and round you go.
Your celiac blood tests are consistently coming down (or even normal) but you still feel like you are being 'glutened' regularly.
You spend a lot of time on the internet going down rabbit holes that ultimately lead to nowhere and leave you with an empty wallet to boot.
You fear social outings and travel without having an exact roadmap to the nearest bathroom, due to the potential of having an 'accident'
Feel like you are already a super healthy eater by social media standards but continue to have symptoms like bloat, diarrhea or constipation.
Coaching: individual coaching sessions, office hours and group coaching, and food journal reviews
Your celiac symptom relief 'blueprint' so you can keep symptoms at bay long term!
Ebook, workbooks and resources to help put the strategies into action
Short, simple to digest pieces of video content that provide actionable tips
A private FB community for support and encouragement throughout the duration of the program
5 Pillars to Symptom Relief
Pillar 1: Discover if it's gluten or something else
Pillar 2: Implement the foundations of gut health
Receive a 45 minute individual coaching session that will guide you to the top 3 actionable steps to take in order for you to see immediate improvement in your specific symptoms
Pillar 3: Create your daily 5 lifestyle plan to reduce digestive symptoms
Receive an additional 45 minute individual coaching session to troubleshoot any challenges you are experiencing and discuss additional strategies that may be helpful for you as you work towards symptom relief
Pillar 4: Identify individual food triggers (if any remain!)
Pillar 5: Optimize your gut health long term
You have access to the course for six months. and there are 5 pillars in the course. I have given extra time in the course for life events that may pop up and require you to step out of the course briefly.
At this time, there are no payment plans available. However, exceptions may be made depending on individual circumstances. You can email [email protected]
The main difference here is that this is a small group coaching program in which I am with you every step of the way, directing you on next steps to take and giving you specific advice on your case based on how you are feeling and the progress made so far. There is no other celiac program that provides coaching to this extent and that is why this program works. It's actually the reason that this is a SMALL, group coaching program. I want you to get better and it's the 1:1 attention I am able to give that gets you there.
This is a good fit if: You've been diagnosed with celiac disease by your medical doctor (MD) or gastroenterologist, you've been on the GF diet for at least 6 months, you continue to struggle with constipation, fatigue, diarrhea, bloat, gas, or you have been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Further to this, you are at a place where you can dedicate 30 mins-1 hour/week to find long term relief from your symptoms and you are willing to put in the daily effort required to help you feel better.
You have not been formally diagnosed with celiac disease, you have not been on the GF diet for six months, you have symptoms that need a doctor (MD) check in first before proceeding (blood in the stool, consistently having more than 5 bowel movements a day, consistently having diarrhea/watery/soupy bowel movements, waking up in the middle of the night to have a bowel movement, black/tarry or white/clay or light tan bowel movements, ribbon like or pencil thin stools)
Partially. The 1:1 consults are able be used for reimbursement if you have third party dietitian benefits. Selena will provide you with a receipt for the 1:1 consults and you can submit to your insurance plan. Please email [email protected] for more information.
Valued at $3000. But, can be yours for a limited time for $1297.
Two, 45 minute individual coaching sessions (valued at $400)
Access to the celiac symptom relief program portal for 6 months (valued at $1000)
Weekly coaching and office hours throughout the 6 months (valued at $400)
Weekly office hours throughout the 6 months (valued at $400)
Monthly food journal reviews throughout the 6 months (valued at $400)
Private Facebook group for 6 months (valued at $200)
Bonus resources (valued at $200)
Get support and get better so you can get back to loving your life!