Does this sound familiar?

  • You don't know what questions to ask

  • You feel that the restaurant staff doesn't 'get it'

  • You feel like you're being 'high maintenance'

  • You're not entirely sure how to talk to the server to ensure your needs are met

  • You feel spontanetity with eating out is gone forever

Eating out feels like a chore

You've utilized online forums and apps to help find safe restaurants but eating out hasn't been going that well. You have started to experience trust and anxiety issues around eating out because you have gotten sick at restaurants that other celiacs have successfully eaten out at. 

What you'd love is a step by step method to follow when eating out so you can feel confident that you've checked the celiac safety box, without the constant worry, so you can get back to enjoying your social life. 

Imagine how eating out could be if:

  • You had less anxiety and more trust in the dining establishment's celiac protocols

  • You knew what questions to ask AND how to communicate them so staff took your needs seriously

  • You had a toolbox of strategies to pull from to make eating out feel more comfortable and easier for YOU

  • You knew what to worry about and what fears to let go of when it comes to small amounts of gluten

It's Possible!

Stop letting celiac hold you back from having AND enjoying a social life!

You Can Become a More Confident Diner!

Sky rocket your knowledge on eating out gluten free (beyond what most healthcare providers know!)

Introducing Eat Out with Confidence

A 6 week express, online group coaching course that helps people with celiac disease eat out with more confidence so you can live the vibrant, gluten free social life that you deserve!

Here's why it's like anything else that's out there

When I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I did not receive the right support to set me up for success when I attempted to eat outside the home. In fact, it led me to experience some pretty intense anxiety and stress when eating out.  

But, after living this way for a while, I knew there had to be a better way to eat out that is still celiac safe.  I didn't want to accept that this was my new norm.  I was such a foodie.   Although eating out is different with celiac, by no means did it need to be so stressful and stop me from living my life to the fullest. 

After combining my decade of restaurant experience, my professional education and celiac expertise, I was, finally, able to help myself reduce the stress and anxiety that I had felt with eating out.  I became much more relaxed about it, was able to eat out spontaneously and started to enjoy eating out again!  

And, this is what I teach in the course.  It is a unique, step by step, method that makes eating out with celiac feel easier and more comfortable.

There is no one way to eat out that is the 'perfect' strategy for every celiac.  My course gives you a flexible framework that 'checks the box for celiac safety' BUT in a way that YOU feel comfortable with.  And, that, my friend, is the game changer when it comes to this course.

Success Stories

Eating Out with Confidence

"I started going through module one and the information above safe levels of gluten exposure and cross contact gave me so much hope that I could actually live my life without fear of food that I broke down and cried. I was so overcome with emotion, relief and hope that I just sobbed. I have no words of gratitude for this immense gift." ~ML

Eating Out with Confidence

"I really enjoyed learning about strictness vs hyper vigilance, including the "10mg" bucket and the wiggle room that provides (as well as what 10mg looks like, it is visible) ~ PB

Eating out with Confidence

"Seeing the actual harmful amounts and getting concrete info about what 20ppm actually looks like really helped reduce my anxiety. Great course, I would recommend this to anyone newly diagnosed. I feel way less anxious and so much more comfortable going out than I did. Thank you so much!" ~ AB

Program Inclusions

  • Private Support Group

    You are not alone. Join a private community where you can ask questions and get support from fellow celiacs who get what you are going through. We're all in this together.

  • Three Group Coaching Sessions

    Selena will guide you through the course and be there to get you 'unstuck' and moving forward. Each group session has a mini teaching session and then we go to actual online restaurant menus that the group decides on and apply what we've learned! Hellloo more restaurant choices!

  • Step by Step Video Lessons

    Reduce uncertainty and get a step by step strategy, delivered over 4 modules, so you can eat out with more confidence and come up with your roadmap to eating out success.

  • Program Resources

    Get access to my extensive resources like the eating out quick guide, checklists, restaurant guides and more!

  • 12 months access

    You'll have 12 months access to the video lessons + program materials. Learn at your own pace + ask for help if you get stuck. Compatible with mobile devices so you can learn on the go.


What's Inside the Eat Out with Confidence Online Course?

Learn the celiac eating method that I've designed that takes your celiac safety knowledge to the next level, gives you the effective communication skills required, and provides you with a toolbox of  personalization strategies so you can build your roadmap to dining out success. 

This course comes with resources, guides, checklists, over 30+ videos, and more.  It's everything you need to become a confident celiac diner as quickly as possible.  


Sign Up Today and Receive The Following:

Success Stories

"Selena has given me the confidence on how to navigate eating out. This may seem simple but is life changing as now I don't second guess my food choices and now have the freedom to eat out at restaurants with friends and family. Something I have not done in over a year. If you are struggling or are new to Celiac Disease I strongly recommend working with Selena. My only wish is that I reached out to her sooner!" ~JS


Pay in full or choose the 2 month payment plan

Success Stories

"One of the most incredible things from working with Selena was learning how to navigate eating out with confidence! And the best part is that she makes all these unknowns so easy to understand. Having Selena as a mentor was the best investment I've ever made for my health, it was like the road map for an otherwise long confusing journey." ~BR

Meet Your Celiac Coach

Selena Devries, RD

Hi, I'm Selena, a dietitian living with celiac disease and specializing in the dietary management of celiac disease in practice. I have over 10 years of experience helping celiacs live a happier and healthier life. I'm the creator of Eat Out with Confidence, a course that helps celiacs eat out with more confidence without it feeling like a chore. After turning my own life around from eating out overwhelm to eating out with confidence, I developed this step by step online course to help my fellow celiacs. It's a framework that is the first to combine celiac safety knowledge, effective communication skills, and a toolbox of personalization strategies so celiacs can build their roadmap to dining out success.


  • How long is the course?

    The course can easily be in 6 weeks. However, life can get busy so people have access to the course portal for 12 months.

  • Are there payment plans available?

    Yes, you can sign up for the monthly payment plan which would be $199 per month for 2 months.

  • What if I get 'stuck?'

    With your hard work, Selena will be there every step of the way to get you unstuck and moving forward! You get access to the FB community which Selena moderates 24/7. You also get access to Selena in the three, live, group training sessions (always recorded). It's optional to participate in them, but the sessions are ~60 minutes in length.

  • How is this program different than what's out there?

    You've probably gotten the general tips to eat out safely, but you're probably still feeling stuck. This program was developed out Selena's own uncertainty surrounding eating out and is the first of it's kind to be based off of science, along with combining the practical skills + strategies that arms celiacs to navigate common restaurant challenges (like trust, feeling like a burden, and lacking confidence)

  • When are the group coaching sessions?

    The live, zoom group training sessions happen at 4pm PST. They are recorded if you are unable to attend live. The first one is July 17, the second one is July 30 and the final session is August 8.

  • Can this be covered under my health plan?

    Most likely, yes, but you need to check with your individual third party benefit plan as your HR department chooses which practitioners are covered. If you have dietitian coverage, you will need to attend the group coaching sessions live to get a receipt that you will then submit for reimbursement. If you have benefits, the whole cost of the program is eligible for reimbursement.

  • How much time is required each week?

    ~20-30 minutes each week to review the videos + complete the associated worksheets would be sufficient. On top of that, you would want to block off time to either attend the live group coaching calls or watch the recordings.