Does this sound familiar?

  • You're spending way too much time than you'd like deciphering labels

  • You’ve tried to "google" the diet, but now you're more confused than ever

  • You're gluten free, but still having you wonder if you've been glutened or if it's something else

  • You're not confident in communicating your needs to restaurant staff so you just avoid it all together or limit it

  • Fear of cross contact is stopping you from living your life to the fullest

You're Mentally Exhausted

You think about celiac 24/7 and it always seems to be overwhelming. What you'd love is a way to make living with celiac easier so it doesn't take up so much of your daily thoughts. You're looking for a step by step plan that is easy to follow that keeps you celiac safe but also helps you find relief from the mental burden of the disease.

Imagine what life would be like if:

  • You could confidently read a food label with the 'snap' of your finger

  • You knew what to say to restaurant staff so they took your needs seriously

  • You had a plan to navigate food situations with friends and family

  • You could find relief from food fears and anxiety

  • You felt confident to explore the world...gluten free!

  • You knew what to eat and supplement with to fast track healing


 Stop letting celiac rule your life and find relief from the mental burden of the disease

Introducing Live Gluten Free with Ease

A 12 week online course helping celiacs to master the GF diet so they can live GF with more ease

Here’s Why It’s Unlike Anything That’s Out There

I have celiac disease too.   And, even though I'm trained as a dietitian, fear and anxiety got the better of me early on in my diagnosis.  Further to this, I continued to experience symptoms including bloat, constipation and unbearable fatigue even though my diet was 'strict GF.'

 In order to help myself,  I ended up getting additional certifications, + experiences so I could fully understand the complexities of celiac disease.  And, once I did, my life turned around.  My anxiety decreased, my social life came back, and my persistent symptoms disappeared. 

Gluten free life can be hard.  I get it.  So, after working with clients for years, I have developed unique resources that make life easier and more enjoyable.  From guides to eating out, to label reading, to planning a GF vacation to navigating social situations, I have resources for it all.

My personal and professional experience will help guide you to live a gluten free life that you enjoy, that feels good in your body, and one that is filled with delicious food.  A less stressed out gluten free life is waiting for you!

Success Stories

Live Gluten Free with Ease

“I wanted to let you know I found the course tremendously helpful. I have learned some life changing information that will support me through my life and help me thrive with Celiac disease.Learning to love all foods again. The content and the way the course was structured was very helpful, well explained, and prepared. I can see your passion around this and the amount of time and thought you have provided into creating this valuable course. I feel grateful to have had your support both as a RD and fellow Celiac.”

Live Gluten Free Ease

"Seeing the actual harmful amounts and getting concrete info about what 20ppm actually looks like. Really helped reduce my anxiety. Great course, I would recommend this to anyone newly diagnosed. I feel way less anxious and so much more comfortable in my own home and going out than I did. Thank you so much!"

Live Gluten Free with Ease

"I am really enjoying the video lessons and reading the downloads. So happy to have found your course. You are so clear and concise in the information you relay to us. I’ve just finished my first go-through of the eating out section and feel much more confident."

Live Gluten Free with Ease

"Selena has given me the confidence and tools to read food labels, as well as how to eat out. This may seem simple but is life changing as now I don't second guess my food choices. As well I now have the confidence and freedom to eat out at restaurants with friends and family. Something I have not done in over a year. If you are struggling or are new to Celiac Disease I strongly recommend working with Selena. My only wish is that I reached out to her sooner!"

Program Inclusions

  • Step by Step Video Lessons

    Discover how to reduce overwhelm by learning my 7 module, step by step, strategy so you can quickly become a confident celiac

  • Program Resources

    Get access to my extensive resources like my label reading quick guide, cross contact cheat sheets, GF brand name food guide, restaurant guides and more!

  • Meal Plan and Recipes

    Simple recipes that take the guesswork out of it. They are tasty, family friendly meal options that answer the age old question 'what's for dinner?'

  • Evidenced Based Advice

    Evidence based advice from a dietitian living with celiac disease. Practical, real life celiac support that you won't find in any type of clinical hospital setting.

  • Private Support Group

    You are not alone. Join a private community where you can ask questions and get support from fellow celiacs who get what you are going through. We're all in this together.

  • Get 24/7 Access

    You'll have 24/7 access to the video lessons, program materials and community support on Facebook. Learn at your own pace + ask for help if you get stuck. Compatible with mobile devices so you can learn on the go.

Receive Selena's Support

  • 1:1 Support

    You get three, 1:1 sessions with Selena. She will provide you with your celiac action plan as soon as you start the program so you can immediately start to overcome your most pressing challenges. And, you'll feel fully supported to meet your goals with two additional 1:1 sessions throughout the program.

  • Group Coaching

    You get two group coaching sessions. You're not alone in your journey. Meet with other celiacs who 'get it' and receive support from the community. It's a time to ask questions and you'll also receive individualized feedback from Selena to keep you moving forward on your celiac action plan.

  • Email Support

    Question pop up? Feeling stuck? Label reading question? Upcoming vacation? Not sure what to eat at a restaurant? Never feel alone! You have private access to Selena throughout the 12 week course to ask any questions that may arise.


What's Inside the Live Gluten Free with Ease Program?

Learn the exact steps + strategies  I've designed to help you master the gluten free diet so you can live gluten free with more ease. 

My flagship course, Live Gluten Free With Ease, comes with resources, guides, cheat sheets, over 50+ videos, an extensive recipe library, and more.  It's everything you need to become a confident celiac as quickly as possible.  

And, These Bonuses!

Success Stories

Live Gluten Free with Ease

"I started going through module one and the information about safe levels of gluten exposure and cross contact gave me so much hope that I could actually live my life without fear of food that I broke down and cried. I was so overcome with emotion, relief and hope that I just sobbed. I have no words of gratitude for this immense gift."

Success Stories

Live Gluten Free with Ease

"Professional, caring, compassionate support specializing in the Celiac community. Selena shared her professional knowledge, tips, + support virtually through our time together. She is committed to helping you feel your best. To love food and feel safe. I received feedback + specialized email communication specific to my needs. I am grateful for the support I received from Healthbean Nutrition and recommend this to all Celiac's regardless of where you are on your journey. There is always something to learn, discover and grow. Thank-you."

Meet Your Celiac Coach

Selena Devries, RD

Hi, I'm Selena, a dietitian living with celiac disease and specializing in the dietary management of celiac disease in practice. I have over 10 years of experience helping celiacs live a happier and healthier life. I'm the creator of Live Gluten Free with Ease, a course that helps celiacs master the gluten free diet so they can think about celiac less and enjoy their life more! After helping myself and hundreds of others thrive on the GF diet, I developed this step by step online course to help others live gluten free with more ease.


  • How long will I have access to the course

    You will have 12 months access to the group portal. The course can completed whenever it is convenient for you and can easily be completed within 3 months. But, extra time is given as life gets busy!

  • Are payment plans available?

    Yes, payment plans are available, if needed.

  • Can this program be covered if you have dietitian benefits?

    Yes, this program is can be fully covered if you have dietitian benefits. In addition to the 1:1 sessions, you will need to attend each group coaching session live and, after each session, you will be provided with a receipt that you can submit to your insurance plan. Alternatively, if you have HSA (health spending account) coverage, you can claim the cost of the course under that.

  • What can I do if I have questions?

    You will have the ability to ask questions during your 1:1 sessions, group coaching sessions, through the email check ins or through the private FB group. There is a lot of support provided.

  • I've already seen a dietitian, how is this different?

    I have celiac disease so I understand the daily challenges of living with celiac beyond label reading and basic cross contact skills. My course has unique + practical resources to help you confidently live gluten free. From helping you to understand how strict you need to be, to eating out, to travel, to finding relief of persistent symptoms - this course is your one stop shop!

  • When does the group coaching occur?

    You have 2 options to choose from and they happen every 2 weeks. The Tuesday morning session is 9am PST and the Thursday evening session is 6:00pm PST.